Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Mr.Loo's 18th Birthday

Just got back from gurney w/Mr.Loo,today was his 18th birthday and i've prepared a surprise present for him *secret* =)
Mr.Loo fetched me this afternoon then we headed to gurney.Planned to watch Hotel for dogs but the time is over so we watchedThe Unborn,aww~its scary.....
After movie we just hanging around and Mr.Loo bought a birthday present for himself *cute*and I bought a couple necklace with our name as his second birthday present too =)

Have our dinner at secret recipe and both of us were busying playing w/our tamagochi,hehex.... saw Irene while having our dinner.Later on...chouyong,christopher and soolip came to find Mr.Loo for wishing him happy birthday. After our dinner we went swensen to find 3 of them,linkai and ruby was there too.After chatting awhile,we left then Mr.Loo dropped me back.

Have a great day w/him......and again happy birthday to my ♥ one
*mwhaxxx love him*
*happy ending*

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