Saturday, April 4, 2009

18th celebration on lil "o" island

Was so excited because it was my 18th birthday party at Ferringhi Garden =)
Around 2pm,Me and yinling went for hair-do and she followed me back and we started to prepared and wait for mummy to come back.

Ferringhi Garden~nice environment
Delicious food

yinling & ianling

Mine & Mr.Loo's camera

camera & handphone

my love one and me

Evlyn,kuomean and xiaoting

my girls

Linkai & Ruby (the sweet couple)

Happy Family

winnie,me and iris

inti college classmates



the total amount

After the party we went to sunset bistro but is full of people,so we changed to LAB Bar. Have a chitchat and back around 1.30am.

Lots of thanks to them:

surprise puzzle photo from my Mr.Loo
*im loving it*

cupcakes from linkai & Ruby
from xiaoting
from jiunn eng

cute dress from iris

from my beloved sis sis

candle from yinling
from jason & john
from inn inn & kean lit
from kuomean
Bodyshop from chiawei & Eric
from kaixian
from winnie
Although im sick today but I still enjoyed and have fun very much.Especially thanks to my parents for celebrating me this birthday party.


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